Insurance is serious business. It becomes even more serious when the items in need of coverage are worth a substantial amount of money. Collectible protection requires diligence as you sort through your options. But we think we have the solution you’ve been looking for.
Are you familiar with Chubb insurance? They’ve made a name for themselves by insuring antiques, collectibles, and rare items for generations. When it comes to insuring unique and valuable items, Chubb Insurance is the only coverage we recommend.
What is Chubb Insurance?
Chubb Insurance provides supreme coverage that you won’t find elsewhere. If you own items that either aren’t covered by a standard homeowners, renters, or co-op insurance policy, or have items that exceed the coverage cap of an existing policy, Chubb Insurance is simply a must.
Chubb Insurance is committed to providing its clients with an experience that no other company can. At Co-Op Insurance, we’re able to easily spot clients who can benefit from one or more of their policies. If you would like to learn more, just reach out to one of our brokers.
Common Chubb Insurance policies and potential claims
Chubb provides a wide range of coverage and policies, including home, auto, health, and more. But what we really love about Chubb is the coverage they offer for the luxuries of life. Consider the following three policies when seeking coverage for the finer items in your personal inventory.
Art and Antiques
If your walls are adorned with priceless art, a burglary or fire would be devastating. But Chubb’s Arts and Antiques coverage is like no other. There’s no deductible to worry about and with simplified appraisal requirements, adding items to your policy is simple as you purchase new pieces.
If a fire destroys your original Pablo Picasso, there’s no way to replace it. But Chubb can ensure you’ll receive its monetary value so you can replace it with another painting from the same artist or expand your collection with a new artist.
If you’re a collector of historical or impactful pieces, protecting their value is of the utmost importance. One important policy feature to know is that Chubb’s coverage is worldwide, so if you’re traveling back home with a new piece, it’s still covered if stolen or lost along the way. Chubb also covers breakage so that even when you take extreme cautions when traveling or shipping an antique and a mistake happens, you’re covered.
Chubb offers two options when insuring collectibles. Either choose a blanket coverage policy for the value of the full collection or itemize each piece. You can also combine the options for even superior coverage. Most homeowner or rental policies exclude coverage for lost items. But Chubb Insurance covers them.
If a part of your silver, coin, or sports memorabilia collection goes missing during a move or suspiciously disappears after a holiday party, Chubb’s coverage automatically covers your loss.
Wine is another category that falls under Chubb’s Collectibles policy. It may seem strange to the average wine drinker, but insuring wine is serious business for a sommelier or wine collector. With some bottles of wine costing hundreds of thousands of dollars, it makes sense that they’re treated as any other valuable in your home.
Whether a bottle is stolen, lost, or broken, you’ll be reimbursed through Chubb coverage. And because Chubb has newly acquired item coverage, a bottle that breaks on the way home from purchasing it is still covered.
What good is your jewelry if you keep it locked up because you’re worried about it being lost or damaged? Chubb offers a policy that covers jewelry like other policies can’t. Their worldwide coverage covers most causes of loss and there’s no deductible to worry about.
If you’re on a European cruise and your wedding ring doesn’t make it back home, you can rest assured that its value will be replaced, even inflation if applicable.
No matter what it is you cherish and hold dear, Chubb can help protect it.
Is Chubb Insurance for You?
Chubb Insurance isn’t designed for everyone. That’s what makes its coverage so complete. It’s not a one size fits all approach. If we’ve suggested Chubb coverage to you and you’re not sure if you fit the mold, asking yourself the following questions should help.
Am I happy with my coverage?
Do you ever grudgingly pay your policy premium because you feel it’s a waste of resources? If you doubt the complicity of your coverage, looking into additional or completely different coverage is a step you should take.
Do I own items that aren’t common?
Most homeowners and renters purchase insurance with the mindset of covering their day to day possessions. These include furniture, clothing, and simple necessities. But if you own luxurious items, like antique rugs, fine jewelry, or art worth more than some vehicles on the road today, you qualify for advanced coverage like that provided by Chubb.
Has the value of my possessions increased?
If you’re a bargain hunter always looking for hidden treasure, you might find that your collection has increased in value tremendously. The policy that worked for you last year could be almost worthless today. If you’ve upgraded or found yourself owning one of a kind pieces almost on accident, looking into advanced coverage is the next step.
If you’re still not sure if you qualify for Chubb, ask yourself this simple question. If disaster strikes tonight, how confident would I be in tomorrow?
If you hesitate at all to answer, speak to one of our insurance brokers today to learn more about what Chubb can provide you, both in coverage and confidence.